It occurred to me that I haven't posted in a VERY long time,
so let's rectify that, shall we?
The poster above is for the documentary "See What I'm Saying" about Deaf entertainers. I was lucky enough to be able to go see the first public screening at Gallaudet today during the VSA. Yay! Me, Cindy, Katie and some friends of hers tromped out to Florida Ave in 80 degree weather to see this. We took the metro, of course, but still. Metro in DC during rush hour? ECK! Never want to do that again!
Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Although I don't think I'll be going to another Deaf event as the only higher level signer of a group. So stressful trying to remember all the signs we needed after being sick for a week. The others were lucky because they'd just had class this morning. In anycase! Back to what I was talking about.
This movie? Perfect! It showed the struggle of the Deaf community in this hearing world of ours, but it also showed that Deaf people are human and just as capable as the next hearing person is. This was of course the main goal of the movie, but it was still moving to see what Deaf people go through. One of the cast members reflects on how his mother didn't want to learn sign in order to talk to him. TL (the only female to cast member) talks about how as a Hard of Hearing member of the Deaf community, she struggles with being told she's not "Deaf enough" and not "hearing" enough. If anyone is in DC and has a chance to go over to Gally, GO SEE THIS! The DVD comes out this fall and I can't wait to get it!
We sadly didn't get a chance to stay for the Q&A session with the director/producer since we came by metro. But I do want to try and get some others to go see it.
This Saturday is Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness day at Kings Dominion. Can't wait! Interpreters and people signing everywhere! Gah! It'll be amazing! XD Cindy, awesome girl that she is, bought me a ticket for my birthday as an ulterior motive to have someone she knew going. Seriously, I asked her four times for the "How To Train Your Dragon" (my newest obsession that kicked "WALL-E" from my all time favorite movie spot) fleece blanket (sadly only available at WalMart. UGH!). No, scratch that, I begged her for it. And no, she refused. My plea for a $14 blanket became a $27 theme park ticket.
I think I can live with that.
......I still want the blanket though.
so let's rectify that, shall we?

Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Although I don't think I'll be going to another Deaf event as the only higher level signer of a group. So stressful trying to remember all the signs we needed after being sick for a week. The others were lucky because they'd just had class this morning. In anycase! Back to what I was talking about.
This movie? Perfect! It showed the struggle of the Deaf community in this hearing world of ours, but it also showed that Deaf people are human and just as capable as the next hearing person is. This was of course the main goal of the movie, but it was still moving to see what Deaf people go through. One of the cast members reflects on how his mother didn't want to learn sign in order to talk to him. TL (the only female to cast member) talks about how as a Hard of Hearing member of the Deaf community, she struggles with being told she's not "Deaf enough" and not "hearing" enough. If anyone is in DC and has a chance to go over to Gally, GO SEE THIS! The DVD comes out this fall and I can't wait to get it!
We sadly didn't get a chance to stay for the Q&A session with the director/producer since we came by metro. But I do want to try and get some others to go see it.
This Saturday is Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness day at Kings Dominion. Can't wait! Interpreters and people signing everywhere! Gah! It'll be amazing! XD Cindy, awesome girl that she is, bought me a ticket for my birthday as an ulterior motive to have someone she knew going. Seriously, I asked her four times for the "How To Train Your Dragon" (my newest obsession that kicked "WALL-E" from my all time favorite movie spot) fleece blanket (sadly only available at WalMart. UGH!). No, scratch that, I begged her for it. And no, she refused. My plea for a $14 blanket became a $27 theme park ticket.
I think I can live with that.
......I still want the blanket though.