Wow! Long time no see! In the shuffle of Google moving things about and Blogspot getting absorbed, etc, I totally forgot about this blog! What? The lack of posts didn't tip you off? :b Shame on me. So, here's a quick update on me.
I'm in my last year of ASL Interpreting before I graduate after my internship. Then possibly transferring to George Mason for a Communications bachelor. That all depends on me and whether my boy is home from overseas. If he is I might take a semester off to stay with him for a while and reconnect/regroup. We'll see.
Oh! My boy! Yes, I didn't mention him last year, did I? I met him around the time of my post before this thanks to our wonderful mutual friends. It's been an LDR ever since. Each time we try to see each other, unfortunately, life gets in the way. He's a Navy boy and currently off being awesome somewhere. Gotta love my grease-seamonkey. XP
Did I ever mention having fibromyalgia? I don't remember. If I did, it's gotten worse and better at the same time. Better because I know how to manage it a bit better as far as prevention goes. Worse because now when I have a flare up, it really knocks me on my ass for a while.
Life wise? Eh, it's going best it can, I guess. Otherwise: I miss all my kids! Rex, CW, Carly, Murray, Noah! All my babies! Taking care of these 7+ year olds is no fun when I think about all my little ones! DX I miss them so much!
So that's all I've got for you guys. Oh! Other than me joining Weight Watchers, I mean. I fell off the wagon a bit during the end of the summer, but I seem to be doing betting if all the latest weight loss is anything to go by. :)
Ta for now! I'm tired and have classes in the morning. Farewell!