Monday, September 23

13th Annual Library of Congress National Book Festival


(and then went to work and sobbed about it 3 hours later)


Jess got to meet the man who wrote The Pendragon Adventure series, the "Harry Potter books" of her childhood.


Sunday, September 22

Important Tidbit On What I've Been Up To

((SCREAMING)) #mac&cheese #dairyfree #vegan
You're probably wondering what the above picture means other than to show a box of Dairy Free Mac'n'Cheese. Well, that picture was taken 2 months ago on August 3, 2013. Since then, I've been pescetarian/vegetarian.

I know, right? "Why?!" I blame my mom. She watched a vegan documentary that was blunt in what goes on in the meat and food industry, and then decided to show me those sections in particular. That night, all we had in the house was rotisserie chicken and felt physically ill just thinking of eating it. And I'd thought Forks Over Knives had been eye-opening. (>_<)

At that point, I had every intention of going vegan. I'd already been 96% (-ish. it's hard giving up the M&Ms and chocolate chip cookies) dairy free for a year, and I wasn't a fan of eggs outside of fried rice, breakfast sandwiches, or my usual "Fruity Tooty Fresh and Fruity" order at IHOP (of which I'm trying my hand at the syrup, soon). So that was it. Vegan I would become.

Then I remembered we were going to Virginia Beach for vacation. I'm not sorry, but I love me some shrimp. Maybe one day I'll fully give up all meats, but until that day, I'm content with the occasional seafood. And I found it harder worrying about eggs, or honey, or milk being in the majority of the baked goods I'd be eating when I wasn't in a place I was familiar with. At least here in Northern Virginia I know where I can easily score a vegetarian or vegan meal. Two-hundred plus miles from home? Wasn't adding that to my, or my mother's, plate....pun not intended.

In any case, I'm proud of myself. I'm the only one in the house that's pescetarian and I've been cooking more. We have about 3 new vegan/vegetarian cookbooks on hand and with the commissary carrying vegetable protein meat, it's been easy on when my mom cooks instead. I was even able to join in on the family dinner when my mom, using the aforementioned chicken, made a pot pie from scratch and I found a single-serve, vegetarian one at the store while getting the crusts. :)

My family is having homemade, chicken pot pie. Went out to buy them crusts and found this a few sections down! XD Now I get to join them! Sadly, it's not completely vegan, but I'll take #vegetarian where I can. XD #whoo #food OMG IT'S SO GOOOOOOOD!!! XD #potpie #vegetarian #food

So that's that. Biggest "What I've Been Doing" update at the moment. :)

Wednesday, June 19


I'm writing to you guys from my new Nook HD+! XD

Sunday, May 12

Oh, May. Your showers bring flowers and weeds in symmetry.

So! Today it's another Mother's Day of spoiling our mom! We gave her a few choices this morning since we live in the D.C. Metro area:

  1. $100 to shop anywhere in Georgetown and then Iron Man 3 in IMAX 3D for all three of us.
  2. Two back-row, side tier, tickets to Brian Stokes Mitchell’s show at the Kennedy Center in D.C. at 5pm for her and one of us or a friend. (Brian played one of Rachel’s dads in Glee and our mom loves him.)
  3. One front-row, stage box ticket for her to Brian Stokes Mitchell’s show and shopping in Georgetown.
  4. The box ticket for Brian Stokes Mitchell’s and Iron Man 3 in IMAX 3D.

None of this, of course, includes any lunches we may have and our dinner later tonight, of which I’ll be playing the night’s designated driver. So she’s got some decisions to make before she gets home from church and we spoil her to bits as much as possible again. As my little sister Jessye said and I wholeheartedly agree: “We plan late but we damn well follow through!”

The only thing that sucks, is that this was my only weekend in May that I didn't have to ask to have off or request specific shifts. Since my birthday is the 26th (I'll be 24, whee!), which is a Sunday so we're already closed, I asked for the morning shift the day before and the evening shift the day after. Then there’s an interpreting event the next weekend on June 1st, a Saturday, that I already prepaid, so I asked for it off and then certain shifts around that….and I also have freaking jury duty next week, so this week is the last one I'm fully scheduled for before June. AUGH!!! DX


Sunday, May 5

Minecraft & MinecraftEdu: An Original Essay

So, I was asked a while ago to post the essay I wrote for my English 111 class somewhere viewable online. Since I'm trying to bring my blog back to life, and I don't know how to upload it to Google Docs without my full name showing up, I thought, what better place than to post it than here? While it's not professional or in any way a scholarly article, I'm still really proud of it and the "A" I received for it. :) So here it is, in all its glory, for everyone's viewing pleasure. Excuse me as I go off and squee in a corner. X)

(essay after the jump)

Wednesday, May 1

Oh the joys of Finals Week brain-fog.

Accidentally wearing the same shirt 2 days in-a-row LIKE A BOSS!

original Instagram post

Tuesday, April 30

APR 30 2013

Welcome to the future, Marty McFly.

Wednesday, April 24

It finally happened! XD

Ladies & gents, for the first time in my entire 23.9 years,
I was required to have my name written on my Starbucks order. X)
Excuse me while I go mentally breakdown over this Life Event. ((sobs))

Original Instagram Post

Tuesday, April 23

I LIVE!!! Omg, right?

Wow, I'm not dead at all. Figure it's time to actually start blogging since I'm not doing classes this summer for the first time since 2009. Funny, huh? I'm planning to do my internship this Fall so my state benefits cover tuition and I'll have more opportunities for hours since schools will be in session.

In any case, I'm not sure what all I'll blog about. Just my life in general, I guess? So lots of video games, TV shows, movies, fandoms, and working discussions, I guess? So yay. Lots of those topics. I might even start vlogging in ASL just to keep my skills up since I'll have VERY limited access to other signers this summer. I'm also trying to self-train/condition for the Run For Your Lives 5K obstacle course run in October, so maybe some discussion about all of that, too; I joined Fitocracy and bought Zombies, Run! on my phone to force at least some commitment out of myself.

Anyway, my "tooth" (just got a wisdom pulled Friday) is acting up, my pain pill hasn't kicked in yet, and my brain isn't working very well right now, so I'm gonna stop this right here. I might put up some backlogged posts from my private blog here. Enjoy those, too!

But here! Have some photos of me since the last time I blogged! 8D


Friday, April 19


Let me tell you right now: I am shit at budgeting outside immediate expenses. Convention in 6-months? Can totally plan for it if I get the hotel first. I’ve been going to conventions annually since 2004 and know the ins-and-outs of financing for it with both myself and my sister like the back of my hand. Of course, they’ve never been further away than a 3-hour drive. So planning to surprise and take me and Jess to Comic-Con for her graduation present next summer? Totally daunting. That’s airfare, hotel, food, spending and emergency funds for both of us, and that’s only if I can manage to get us passes when they go on sale. They sell out within minutes of posting!

With my last federal tuition check until this Fall semester coming at the end of this month, I’m really screwed money-wise. Especially with a $200+ car insurance payment to my mom every month. I’m working part-time at my campus bookstore and 2 hours a week in my church’s nursery: I’m not making that payment without another job. Hopefully I get this job at GameStop, too. I love video games so much, might as well earn money for it, right? My love and knowledge of certain fields is why I’ve worked the jobs I have. My internship is scheduled for this Fall, so I’ve got stuff to do this summer and empty pockets to prove it.
So in essence, I need to learn some budgeting and I need to learn it FAST.

Which is why I’ve spent the last 5 or so hours prowling the internet for tutorials on doing so instead of sleeping before my 6-hour shift in 4 hours (as of typing this sentence). Tumblr people, you haven’t failed me yet; you get to keep those perfect scores on troubleshooting research. I found awesome links and Excel sheets to use before I hit the first goldmine: Love it for it’s simple complexity, although having to connect it to my bank account through the site skeeved me out a bit, but some user reviews put me at ease on that. I drew the line at putting in my SSN to find my credit score, though; that was a bit much for me at 11:30 PM.

It made up a trending budget based on my bank transactions and showed me what categories I spent too much on in comparison. I used that to add up monthly totals on a spreadsheet I’d found and promptly scared the f**k out of myself on how much I spend on food and iTunes. Needless to say, I’d better godsd*mn enjoy the new Fall Out Boy album and free Rooster Teeth podcasts until Daft Punk’s new album drops and start bag lunching. Outside of that, though, I got stuck. I see where I spend a lot and save nothing, but how do I plan out future stuff in a more customized fashion?

Enter You Need A, an interactive budgeting software and lifestyle method for creating and managing a flexible budget, despite a variance in your monthly income. Their goal? To get you to the point of living on last month’s paycheck. It’s $60 for the full desktop version, but they have a 34-day trial before you buy it. Not to mention online webinars and a mobile app for Droid and iOS, though I think you need the full version to use those.

Either way, it’s beautiful and I love it immensely. Fully customizable on what I need to budget for, awesomely visual for an ADHD person such as myself, and doesn’t lock me into an unchangeable money schedule outside of what I want it to. It even helps you manage your credit cards and cash! And that’s without connecting to your bank account!

To put it simply: I now have $5 put away for both Comic-Con 2014 and PAX East 2015, with a budget for my current balance of $65. I’m already feeling empowered. Amazing what chatting with your friend about her finding a new apartment can do.

Monday, April 15


Aw yeah! Guess who got an A on her Minecraft essay!? XD

I might put a copy of it on Google Docs to share with you all. We'll see if I can do what I want with it.

Thursday, February 21

oh the joys of technology

so i accidentally linked my phone up to my XBOX this morning while looking at photos of my room.

this was the result
but then
it kind of
a bit.
oh gods